So its the end of the semester and I'm no more found than I was at the beginning. yes, I've cleared a few personal things up, but I mean I still don't know where I'm going. All of my friends this summer are doing incredible things. Things that are actually really impressive, but part of me doesn't really feel like Im getting anywhere. So i realized what I'm interested in...sort of. But that sort of, leaves a whole lot of things unanswered. Political Science, i thought. but then again, Im not interested in politics, which i think is a big part of political science. International studies? maybe, but I haven't taken one class for that major and id have to start all over again basically. So where am I left? I don't know. Advertising? I don't know...maybe. but I didn't apply for the creative program, which is all I would want to do if went into the field. Its so hard. Everyone is achieving so much and going in A direction, but I feel like Im not really progressing towards anything. Maybe towards, the end of my chance to change majors, thats about it. "Just do well" people keep telling me, but what is that? I can't do well if I;m not interested in what Im doing. they go hand in hand. and plus, what is doing well? Success? what is that? Are you successful if your unhappy making a billion dollars a month. I don't think so. I guess time will tell...
Thursday, May 1, 2008
where to go?
So its the end of the semester and I'm no more found than I was at the beginning. yes, I've cleared a few personal things up, but I mean I still don't know where I'm going. All of my friends this summer are doing incredible things. Things that are actually really impressive, but part of me doesn't really feel like Im getting anywhere. So i realized what I'm interested in...sort of. But that sort of, leaves a whole lot of things unanswered. Political Science, i thought. but then again, Im not interested in politics, which i think is a big part of political science. International studies? maybe, but I haven't taken one class for that major and id have to start all over again basically. So where am I left? I don't know. Advertising? I don't know...maybe. but I didn't apply for the creative program, which is all I would want to do if went into the field. Its so hard. Everyone is achieving so much and going in A direction, but I feel like Im not really progressing towards anything. Maybe towards, the end of my chance to change majors, thats about it. "Just do well" people keep telling me, but what is that? I can't do well if I;m not interested in what Im doing. they go hand in hand. and plus, what is doing well? Success? what is that? Are you successful if your unhappy making a billion dollars a month. I don't think so. I guess time will tell...
Storms. I love storms. Ever since I was little it would always be sort of a big deal when a big storm was coming. My brother would be the first one to spot it...he'd point out 'an underdraft.' And Id grab a blanket and my mom, my brother and I would all sit on my porch and watch it come in over the water. Sometimes they were a let down. A little rain, a little thunder. But sometimes its crazy. Thunder and lightening and tornadoes. Watching lightening from our porch is especially awesome. You sit out there,
look out at the channel and you can just see lightening striking for miles. Sometimes, we walk out to the beach. Ive convince a friend or two to walk to the beach in really bad storms. They're always really scared of lightening but I assure them its fine...(?)...anyways. Sitting in beach stand, watching storms, is probably my favorite thing to do. Its so incredible and I don't think you can appreciate storms until you just sit and watch one. I love them, but being with people during them makes it better. Be it friends of family, theres something about sitting an watching a storm with someone thats really meaningful.
earth, wind, water, fire
We all have a favorite color or a favorite animal or song, or car etc... Its something we sort of all have talked about at one point or another. But has anyone ever asked you what your favorite smell was? what
about sound? I think the most satisfying things in life are definitely the simpler things. But naturally, we appreciate them less. A favorite smell, sound, feeling. I love when you hear,see or feel something and it sort of brings you back, it relaxes you if you will. Theres something about the most natural experiences that makes you feel small, and I love that feeling. The fact that YOU are small. And I think thats the main difference between materialism and naturalism. The fact that material things make you feel important and natural things make you feel small is huge. I love standing beside the ocean and feeling like the world is HUGE. Take also the smell of rain or freshly cut grass or that winter smell of wood burning. Everyone appreciates them, but theres something different about these natural experiences than the more materialistic ones. They mean more. They sort of pull at something inside of you. My favorite smell in the world is rain. My favorite sound...I love the ocean. Water, no matter if its falling from the sky or crashing to the ground, is a sound that will always comfort me. Ive grown up near the ocean so it kind of makes me feel safe when its around. Anyways, its just something that was on my mind.
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