Its weird looking back at my last post. I remember exactly where I was, and how exciting my life seemed to be. The people in my life were new, and as I was getting to know them it was like I was slowly getting know myself a little better. I never wrote on my page after that night at the concert, but my experience in Denmark from that night forward was life changing. I met people who I hopefully will keep in touch with for a long time, and I made memories that will be with me forever.
Its amazing how fast everything changes though. When I wrote that last post, it was like everything around me was falling into place. I finally had a grasp on things. What I didn't realize however, was how short lived it would be. I returned to the United States with my life in order, or so i thought, but I was soon to find out otherwise. Things I thought had disappeared, seeped back into my life, while more 'issues' seem to be piling up as even i speak now. The difference between before Denmark and after, isn't the people I met or I things I did. Its what I learned about myself, however cliche that might sound.
I have a habit of depending on people. My friend recently explained the nature of relationships in a more simplistic way than I had ever seen them. She told me that 'People are in your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.' And, even though it may be dangerous, to recognize the nature of relationship, gives you a different perspective on how and with whom you should spend your time. I have finally come to terms with the categories the people in my life are in, or so I think.
So finally figuring that stuff out has been tough. But, I think I have done it. Its hard becoming independent after being dependent for so long, but it can be done, and I don't think it should ever be undone. Only when it becomes undone, does any relationship become a burden.
So yeah, that's a struggle that I think I have finally tackled, and its been hard, but for the future now i know. I've never really let people drift out of my life, but since being away, and meeting people that live far away, I've had to learn. 'A reason, a season or forever."
I'm going to start writing more regularly too. I just don't want to be like THAT girl...who has a blog. Is that weird? Is this weird?
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