so this is my first post...ever. Meaning, I've never blogged before, in fact I didn't even know exactly what a blog was until a few days ago. I don't know what the standard things to write in a blog are, so i figured i would start with a personal introduction -nothing too deep or sappy for the first post. My name is laura, and i would tell you my last name but we wouldn't want anybody stalking me, so ill I'll go on. I'm from Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina.

I have two brothers, both many years older than me, and two divorced parents, meaning instead of two parents I now have four (+ both brothers, who also regularly attempt to control my life = 6 parents).

And i have a dog. ANNIE. i love my dog. Anyone who knows me, (well many people who know me) knows i love dogs. I posted a picture of her a few days ago, thinking i would start a blog then, but now is just the same. (p.s. i promise she is not unhappy in this picture. She may look a bit uncomfortable, but its fine.) hmmmm. (a few days later: 'that picture got deleted somehow. so this is the only one i have. she doesnt look very happy in this one)
I would go on about my upbringing but I'm a story teller so I'll leave it for future posts. Plus, there are more interesting things to write about. even though i love where im from and the people i know a challenge everyone faces when moving to another completely different place with completely new people is stop talking about "back home". Everyone loves talking about where they come from, the friends they have, the relationship they used to be in, high-school... family. But when two people who love talking about what their life used to be like are together, conversations become competitions, to see who led the more exciting life. Maybe this doesn't apply to everyone, but its something I've sort of picked up on. Its hard to stop talking about the places, people and the time one knows best. but it can be done!
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