But I wonder if as many people would feel as comforted by the ocean if more people actually knew more about it..or about whats in it. Yeah, yeah... sharks and jelly fish, but thats old news.
Just recently I was surfing the web, and was on the discovery channel's website when an interesting story caught my eye. In 2005 a team of Japanese researchers were the first ever to film and capture a giant squid. A total length of 25 feet, the squid is said to be no more than a baby, for measuring in undocumented lengths of up to 20 meters, a 25 foot giant squid seems minuscule. But seriously, can you imagine. A squid measuring, for all we know way more than 20 meters long. We know nothing about these animals, not to mention other deep sea dwelling creatures. In 2004, a year before this video was taken, the first photos of a live giant squid were taken by the same team, I put this picture up along with the video I was talking about. Its weird to think about how big the ocean really is if we can't seem to find and study at least one of these many giants. What else is down there?
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