This video is the most ridiculous breakdancing video I've ever seen. i don't know if any of you have ever tried to break dance, or do the robot or do anything like that, but it is not as easy as these guys are making it out to be. The last guy that comes out on stage I swear is machine. I don't know how he does that. If i had any weird talent like that I would do it all the time and show off to everyone.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
I just filled out my last form for study abroad next semster, so it looks like I am going to Copenhagen! Im actaully really excited. I was when I first signed up too, then I went through a little period of uncer
tainty because people kept telling me good and bad things. But I just saw a list of the people that are going and everybody seems really cool! (which is sort of weird because I haven't actally talked to anyone in my group Ive just seen pictures, so from what I know everyone seems cool) Anyways, I super excited about Copenhagen, but what Im more excited about is traveling before classes and during the semester. I might be going with my friends before classes for a couple weeks and if i did that, Id go to Italy. Id spend a few days in Rome, Venice, Florence and then to the French Riviera. This would be two weeks and I only wish I had more time and money to see the rest of the area. After college Im definelty backpacking throughout Europe. During the four months i live in copenhagen we get a 3 week break too. So i was thinking of either going to France, or going to Octoberfest. Yes, Octoberfest. It would awesome. The only thing about traveling to all these places is expense. Its so pricey over there! I would have to buy two passes for the Eurorail, which for would be abotu 1000$. Then theres the hostels. Over there, hostels are about 15 euro, which is 30 dollars here. 30 dollars a night, for a month. And thats not even including museums, food etc. AHHHHHHH. student discounts, anyone?
Monday, April 28, 2008
POPULSIM in Latin America
This past week I have been researching the rise of populism in Latin America. After finally finishing a 13 page paper, I find myself way more interested in Latin American politics than I started out being. It wouldn't surprise me if none of you are aware of the surge of leftist populism that is flooding a handful of countries south of our border. The fact that many of you don't even know what populism is wouldn't even really surprise me. I probably
wouldn't know if I wasn't a poli sci major right now. But anyways this is precisely the reason why I thought I would write about it in my blog. Since most of you who read this anyway already know that I wrote a paper on it, i figure ill just explain to you what my paper focuses on. So yeah...THE RISE OF POPULISM IN LATIN AMERICA. So it all starts with a political cycle. A swing to the right, then to the left, then back to the right than to the left again etc. (an in case many of you don't know what the right and left is the political RIGHT= assumes capitalist free market, private enterprises, and basically no government intervention whatsoever. The LEFT is the opposite= no free market, and lots of government intervention) Anywyas so countries in Latin America as a whole were founded as sort of single export driven economies. Meaning given their rich enviorments, the rest of the world really looked to these regions for raw materials as opposed to manufactured goods. So each region specialized a single export, leading to very shaky economies. In WWI and W
WII, this type of economy proved undependable since no countries were buying from them, so they adopted a leftist strategy knwon as ISI. So governments intervened and taxed exported good heavily so as to encourage trading within a single country, while also funding a handful of companies to compete in world markets. This stunted competition and just overall was not good. Anyways so by and by and debt crisis exploeded throughout the region in the 1980s. Lefitst, ISI driven economies failed. So in the 80s some Washington based groups implemented some RIGHT WINGED tactics to help Latin America. But, this just led to more corruption in the governments, more poverty, more social unrest and just over all upheaval. SO, no one listens to us Americans anymore basically. Now, a bunch of populist leaders, who are just charasmatic politicians campaining against everything thats not working in an economy now are runnign for offices. So since the late 1990s the country has been turning to leftist ideals such as socialism for asnwers. THE END. but Latin America over all is doing better, short term wise. but in the long run, leftist econimc polices are known to fail.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
so i played powder puff football the other day and it was SO fun, but when people say it gets intense they are not messing around. Some girls are crazy. Don't get me wrong, I mean I'm competetive and all, but some girls, granted many were drunk were ridiculous. I would just run the ball because Im fast, but if i hadn't been able to out run them I think i may have ended up the hospital. Picture a team of drunken, uncoordinated sorority girls lined up with their heads down (pissed cause their losing) war paint, cleats, bows in hair, tall socks, mouthguards, etc. And when that ball is hiked back all hell breaks loose. I think it may be one thing to be athletic, and athletically tackle someone, like in actual football. But when your just running with your head down hoping to plough into someone, accidents are bound to happen. Anyways, people got hurt. I heard a girl or two may have gotten a concusion. Maybe a few slipped disks, but come on, why are you tackling. For one thing its FLAG football, i dont even understand how girls fall on the ground, much less slip a disk. I guess being drunk and uncoordinated and then forced to play football is a bad combo, but hey for those of us who the entire combo doesn't apply to it was hilarious.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
now i lay me down to sleep...
Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the lord my soul to keep.
If I should die before I wake,
I pray the lord my soul to take.
When I was a little girl, my grandmother and I would say this prayer every night before I went to bed. When ever I hear it , I think of her. If there are two things I'll never forget about my grandma, its this prayer and her lasagna. She was an amazing cook....Maybe everyone's grandmother is a good cook but, I think she was the best cook in the world. I honestly think she made the best lasagna, spaghetti, manacotti, eggplant, and cabbage I have ever tasted. Nothing could ever come close. Granted she was Italian, so if you didn't believe be before hand, maybe that gives her some credit. But either way, her cooking can't be touched. This prayer is something else i will never forget. Not only did she teach me this prayer, but she taught me how to pray in general. She gave me a picture bible and together we would read through it. If it wasn't for her i honestly don't think i would have ever learned about the bible or how to pray. I mean i went to sunday school, but aside from that, she was the one closest to me who talked about god. She was an amazing woman, my grandmother. The second oldest of 7 siblings, she raised her entire family. And it was only when she died that I got to meet the rest of them.
I pray the lord my soul to keep.
If I should die before I wake,
I pray the lord my soul to take.
When I was a little girl, my grandmother and I would say this prayer every night before I went to bed. When ever I hear it , I think of her. If there are two things I'll never forget about my grandma, its this prayer and her lasagna. She was an amazing cook....Maybe everyone's grandmother is a good cook but, I think she was the best cook in the world. I honestly think she made the best lasagna, spaghetti, manacotti, eggplant, and cabbage I have ever tasted. Nothing could ever come close. Granted she was Italian, so if you didn't believe be before hand, maybe that gives her some credit. But either way, her cooking can't be touched. This prayer is something else i will never forget. Not only did she teach me this prayer, but she taught me how to pray in general. She gave me a picture bible and together we would read through it. If it wasn't for her i honestly don't think i would have ever learned about the bible or how to pray. I mean i went to sunday school, but aside from that, she was the one closest to me who talked about god. She was an amazing woman, my grandmother. The second oldest of 7 siblings, she raised her entire family. And it was only when she died that I got to meet the rest of them.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
time of the year again!
Its about that time of the semester again! I wish professors didn't decide to throw it all on you in those last 2 days of class. I mean granted, I have known about all of my assignments for a while now, BUT STILL! Professors should account for the procrastinators too right? RiGhT. But really though, I have so much to do before next wednesday, I don't even know really how to handle it. Heres the To-Do-List so far:
- Adv. build a machine project (and we still have to buy the materials and put it together, which
should be fun...)
-Adv. Creative school application (I don't know what I'm going to do!)
-Philosophy paper on religion
-Political science paper
-finish paperwork for Copnhagen
-go to a speech and analyze for journalism
-50 BLOGS (a few more to do)!!!
UGH!!! and not to mention POWDER PUFF on Sunday and the rest of my life that isn't school work related! Anyways, so I starting to get stressed. And this always happens and i feel like I don't do anything, as in start my work, until I get really stressed, but hopefully I will start everything tomorrow and have a really great head start on it all!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
dove- esteem fund
I don't usually post videos that I see in class, but this one really made an impression on me. Yeah we all know about how the media can make girls feel ugly or fat and so on and son on, but this ad really hit home for me. The ad is one of many in a series known as the "dove- self esteem fund" and i feel like any girl could relate to them. They're all on you tube and all of them really speak to girls especially. The little girl shown at the beginning of this commercial is so gorgeous and to know that she, at such a young age, will absorb such distorted view of beauty haunts me. This is how our society is and unless a child knows differently, unless a child is taught differently, they will inherit an insatiable, unreasonable desire for a deceptively portrayed beauty.
Monday, April 21, 2008

So I have intro to philosophy every Monday, Wednesday and Friday and 10am in the morning. Its crazy. SOme things that we talk about I don't really agree with but not because I have anything to disprove it, just because I believe differently. To be more specific, our teacher is pretty biased when it comes to religion, (to say he's a strong disbeliever) and it doesn't really bother me, I just wish I could know enough, or have enough logic to argue with him. But its impossible, and I don't even try. So we talk about some crazy things. For example right now were talking about how mind and body may or may not be two separate entities. Our professor uses an example of a zombie and a ghost to illustrate. To start, God can create anything that we can think of. So if we can fathom a mind with no body, like ghost, it should be God should be able to create it..right? Can we fathom a body with no soul? The argument sort of reminds me of the excerpt that I used a while back in one of my entries. In the East of Eden Cathy is characterized as being a sort of monster. She is a body lacking soul. She is not lacking a brain. A brain is different. She is lacking a soul. So I do think its possible to lack a mind. Scary...but possible. More broadly put, the argument is labeled Dualism vs. Materialism. Materialism is the theory that everything can be simplified to some sort of physical state. So we can understand everything totally by just studying it. Dualism theorizes the opposite. It states that it is not possible to understand everything by just observing it objectively. An example in the Dualists favor uses a character Frank. Frank can see one more color than anyone else. When observing tomatoes, he claims he sees two different color reds. No one else can see it. He separates the fruits consistently, putting the tomatoes in two different groups every time he asked to resort. Although we know everything about colors, and we know that Frank can see an extra one, there is a missing piece to an outsider's understanding of it. We do not understand how the color makes Frank feel. There is something about the color's effect on one's experiences that we do not know. Therefore Physicalism/Materialism has a missing piece and is not functional.
Anyways, those are just some arguments we have been reviewing. Im no philosopher so sorry if you don't follow.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Intelligent Design
Intelligent Design-
-the view that nature shows tangible signs of having been designed by a pre-existing intelligence.
Evolution Theory
- the theory that acts of random mutations and natural selections gave rise to humans and all other forms of life.
The first time I learned about the theory of Intelligent Design was when guest speaker Kennith Miller spoke at SMU. I don't remember everything he talked about in his presentation, but what I do remember is that 1.) he wrote the science text books I've used throughout most of my educational career2.) he is a christian 3.) and he doesn't believe in Intelligent Design.
Micheal Behe in his essay The Challenge of Irreducible Complexity uses a mousetrap to illustrate the complexity and deliberation of a cell or any other complex organ.
"An everyday example of an irreducibly complex system is the humble mousetrap. It consists of (1) a flat wooden platform or base; (2) a metal hammer, which crushes the mouse; (3) a spring with extended ends to power the hammer; (4) a catch that releases the spring; and (5) a metal bar that connects to the catch and holds the hammer back. You can’t catch a mouse with just a platform, then add a spring and catch a few more mice, then add a holding bar and catch a few more. All the pieces have to be in place before you catch any mice."
But his argument was a weak one. For when Kenneth Miller, a staunch advocate of the evolution theory, read this he immediately published an essay titled "A Flaw In the Mousetrap," In which he proves that even lacking most parts, the mousetrap still serves as a functional machine, just maybe not in the way it was first intended.
He states,"Take away two parts (the catch and the metal bar), and you may not have a mousetrap but you do have a three-part machine that makes a fully functional tie clip or paper clip. Take away the spring, and you have a two-part key chain. The catch of some mousetraps could be used as a fishhook, and the wooden base as a paperweight; useful applications of other parts include everything from toothpicks to nutcrackers and clipboard holders. The point, which science has long understood, is that bits and pieces of supposedly irreducibly complex machines may have different—but still useful—functions."
This is the argument posed between the design theory and the evolutionist theory and both make valid arguments as to why the other is less credible. This is why science is in such a pickle.
However, even after proving that maybe evolution does play part in the creation of some organisms, a flaw/missing piece is still found in the Evolution Theory- "how did life actaully begin?" Asking this question has proved to be dangerous to many scientists and academics alike-- at least when Intelligent Design plays a part in the answer. Many, in attempt to ban the exposure of the theory, have been professionally prosecuted for agreeing with the design arguement. This is the fuel of Ben Stein's new movie, Expelled.
-the view that nature shows tangible signs of having been designed by a pre-existing intelligence.
Evolution Theory
- the theory that acts of random mutations and natural selections gave rise to humans and all other forms of life.
The first time I learned about the theory of Intelligent Design was when guest speaker Kennith Miller spoke at SMU. I don't remember everything he talked about in his presentation, but what I do remember is that 1.) he wrote the science text books I've used throughout most of my educational career2.) he is a christian 3.) and he doesn't believe in Intelligent Design.
Micheal Behe in his essay The Challenge of Irreducible Complexity uses a mousetrap to illustrate the complexity and deliberation of a cell or any other complex organ.
"An everyday example of an irreducibly complex system is the humble mousetrap. It consists of (1) a flat wooden platform or base; (2) a metal hammer, which crushes the mouse; (3) a spring with extended ends to power the hammer; (4) a catch that releases the spring; and (5) a metal bar that connects to the catch and holds the hammer back. You can’t catch a mouse with just a platform, then add a spring and catch a few more mice, then add a holding bar and catch a few more. All the pieces have to be in place before you catch any mice."
But his argument was a weak one. For when Kenneth Miller, a staunch advocate of the evolution theory, read this he immediately published an essay titled "A Flaw In the Mousetrap," In which he proves that even lacking most parts, the mousetrap still serves as a functional machine, just maybe not in the way it was first intended.
He states,"Take away two parts (the catch and the metal bar), and you may not have a mousetrap but you do have a three-part machine that makes a fully functional tie clip or paper clip. Take away the spring, and you have a two-part key chain. The catch of some mousetraps could be used as a fishhook, and the wooden base as a paperweight; useful applications of other parts include everything from toothpicks to nutcrackers and clipboard holders. The point, which science has long understood, is that bits and pieces of supposedly irreducibly complex machines may have different—but still useful—functions."
This is the argument posed between the design theory and the evolutionist theory and both make valid arguments as to why the other is less credible. This is why science is in such a pickle.
However, even after proving that maybe evolution does play part in the creation of some organisms, a flaw/missing piece is still found in the Evolution Theory- "how did life actaully begin?" Asking this question has proved to be dangerous to many scientists and academics alike-- at least when Intelligent Design plays a part in the answer. Many, in attempt to ban the exposure of the theory, have been professionally prosecuted for agreeing with the design arguement. This is the fuel of Ben Stein's new movie, Expelled.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
I've been in college for almost 2 years now. I've had my share of good times, bad times, fun times, sad times, and any other times you could imagine, so I think I could relate to almost any college student and their collegiate experience. I have lots of friends, and I love hanging out with all of them, don't get me wrong, but Sometimes, I find myself wondering if anyone really knows exactly who I am. I think I'm good at blending in and only when I feel comfortable around people do I really want to stand out. I remember my freshman year, everyday for the first few months I would straighten my hair before classes (this was ridiculously unlike me). Only after my first semester did I stop caring so much about fitting in, but even now, I still find myself succumbing to image of the SMU girl. My lack of connection with people here I think is hard for me- especially- to adapt. My connections with people have always been the root of my confidence and its absence has proved to be harmful. Its better now don't get me wrong but hear me out. Its hard to hang out with someone or a group of people when your faking it the whole time. You don't feel good about yourself afterwards either. I'm discovering now that that saying 'just be yourself' isn't just a silly saying that kids learn when they're younger. Its a quote to live by.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
just a day or two
Saturday, April 12, 2008
scarborough fair
I don't know if your familiar with the artists Simon and Garfunkel, but if you aren't you need to be. One of the most popular groups of the 1960s, the duo is best known for their songs Sounds of Silence, The Boxer, Ms. Robinson and Bridge Over Troubled. But the song I'm writing about isn't really one of their most popular, even though I;m sure plenty of people have heard it. Its called Scarborough Fair and its definitely my favorite of their songs (although the Boxer is a close second). Anyways although the song's melody is gorgeous, the lyrics are even better and make way more of a statement (which makes sense). But anyways. My mom and I always used to talk about this song. She used to be an English teacher at a high school and she put the lyrics of this song all around her room. So whenever I hear it playing I think of her. Simon and Garfunkel's version of the song is meant to be protest against the Vietnam War. Comprised of two different songs it uses a love song and war story to appeal to the masses. The one song is called Scarborough Fair. The Scarborough Fair was a 45 day trading event that took place in medieval Europe. This single song is a love song about a man in search of his true love. The other song used is called Side of a Hill. This song focuses on the dehumanizing character of war. By combining these two songs Simon an Garfunkel create a successful protest by contradicting a humanistic song about the love with one of the most dehumanizing acts of man. The lyrics are below.
On the side of a hill
In a land called somewhere
A little boy lies asleep in the earth
While down in the valley a cruel war rages
And people forget what a childs life is worth
On the side of a hill a little cloud weeps
And waters the grave with its silent tears
While a soldier cleans and polishes a gun
That ended a life at the age of seven years
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SCARBOROUGH FAIR
Are you goin to scarborough fair?
parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
Remember me to one who lives there,
she once was a true love of mine
Tell her to make me a cambric shirt,
parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
Without no seams nor needlework, then shell be a true love of mine
Tell her to find me an acre of land,
parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
Between the salt water and the sea strand, then shell be a true love of mine
Tell her to reap it in a sickle of leather,
parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
And to gather it all in a bunch of heather,
then shell be a true love of mine
Are you goin to scarborough fair?
parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
Remember me to one who lives there,
she once was a true love of mine
On the side of a hill
In a land called somewhere
A little boy lies asleep in the earth
While down in the valley a cruel war rages
And people forget what a childs life is worth
On the side of a hill a little cloud weeps
And waters the grave with its silent tears
While a soldier cleans and polishes a gun
That ended a life at the age of seven years
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SCARBOROUGH FAIR
Are you goin to scarborough fair?
parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
Remember me to one who lives there,
she once was a true love of mine
Tell her to make me a cambric shirt,
parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
Without no seams nor needlework, then shell be a true love of mine
Tell her to find me an acre of land,
parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
Between the salt water and the sea strand, then shell be a true love of mine
Tell her to reap it in a sickle of leather,
parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
And to gather it all in a bunch of heather,
then shell be a true love of mine
Are you goin to scarborough fair?
parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
Remember me to one who lives there,
she once was a true love of mine
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Fat Billy
I posted a few days ago about a youtube video that cracked me up. Well I was reminded of another good one the other day. If you've ever been to 6 flags and ridden superman, you know its hands down one of the best rides in the park. Well, I don't think billy in this video, agrees.
Monday, April 7, 2008
in the butt
This is by far one of the funniest videos that I have seen on youtube so far. When I see it I think of 1). I had fights like this with my parents at least once a day in high school...(and maybe still do when I go home) 2.) I have a myspace. 3) and that I should probably get rid of it sometime soon.
No I'm not a myspace creeper. I used it back when it was like middle school and just haven't gotten rid of it. Anyways. so this is hilarious. I wish this was someone I knew.
No I'm not a myspace creeper. I used it back when it was like middle school and just haven't gotten rid of it. Anyways. so this is hilarious. I wish this was someone I knew.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
grass is greener
What Im saying is being content with yourself is a key to life and something everyone needs to work on. Its not just a saying you learn when your little. Its a quote to live by.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
peanut butter sandwich
SO...we have nothing eatable in our kitchen anymore. After my peanut butter sandwich this morning its safe to say there will be no more eating in. But its an interesting st
ory how exactly I got to a single peanut butter sandwich. So let me tell you. I got up around 11, you know was a little hungry so I went to the kitchen. I tried to make some frozen vegetables right, I put them In our microwave, which youd think wouldn't be a problem. Well, the other day without thinking I put a pan of ours in the microwave and it sort of exploded and our microwaves been acting up ever since. So back the story I put the bowl of frozen vegetables in the microwave and its really weird because I put it in for like 10 minutes and the bowl got really really hot, but the vegetables didnt. They were still frozen. So I didn't get to eat those. I'm not sure how that works but anyways so yeah. I also started out making a grilled cheese. So i put the cheese on the bread and decided that maybe I would throw some tomatoes on it. I cut up the tomato and put some on the sandwhich then I tried the last bit. Sickest thing Ive ever eaten, they were nasty and grainy and sour and really soft. So i spit it out and took the tomatoes off of the sandwich and just decided to eat the cheese. I try a piece of that. "Swiss cheese.." mmmmm'.... no. provolone. that was a month old. ewwww. so thats how i got to eat a peanut butter sandwich, with the last of the peanut butter. The last thing we have.
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