This past week I have been researching the rise of populism in Latin America. After finally finishing a 13 page paper, I find myself way more interested in Latin American politics than I started out being. It wouldn't surprise me if none of you are aware of the surge of leftist populism that is flooding a handful of countries south of our border. The fact that many of you don't even know what populism is wouldn't even really surprise me. I probably
wouldn't know if I wasn't a poli sci major right now. But anyways this is precisely the reason why I thought I would write about it in my blog. Since most of you who read this anyway already know that I wrote a paper on it, i figure ill just explain to you what my paper focuses on. So yeah...THE RISE OF POPULISM IN LATIN AMERICA. So it all starts with a political cycle. A swing to the right, then to the left, then back to the right than to the left again etc. (an in case many of you don't know what the right and left is the political RIGHT= assumes capitalist free market, private enterprises, and basically no government intervention whatsoever. The LEFT is the opposite= no free market, and lots of government intervention) Anywyas so countries in Latin America as a whole were founded as sort of single export driven economies. Meaning given their rich enviorments, the rest of the world really looked to these regions for raw materials as opposed to manufactured goods. So each region specialized a single export, leading to very shaky economies. In WWI and W
WII, this type of economy proved undependable since no countries were buying from them, so they adopted a leftist strategy knwon as ISI. So governments intervened and taxed exported good heavily so as to encourage trading within a single country, while also funding a handful of companies to compete in world markets. This stunted competition and just overall was not good. Anyways so by and by and debt crisis exploeded throughout the region in the 1980s. Lefitst, ISI driven economies failed. So in the 80s some Washington based groups implemented some RIGHT WINGED tactics to help Latin America. But, this just led to more corruption in the governments, more poverty, more social unrest and just over all upheaval. SO, no one listens to us Americans anymore basically. Now, a bunch of populist leaders, who are just charasmatic politicians campaining against everything thats not working in an economy now are runnign for offices. So since the late 1990s the country has been turning to leftist ideals such as socialism for asnwers. THE END. but Latin America over all is doing better, short term wise. but in the long run, leftist econimc polices are known to fail.
Monday, April 28, 2008
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