Saturday, January 26, 2008


The problem with America is stupidity. I'm not saying there should be a capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself?

okay so this may be a little on the harsh side, but seriously people, how are some of you so stupid. (okay so thats a little harsh as well, but sometimes its amazing.) I want to say taking safety labels off products would actually do America way more good than harm. Im not saying by any means that Im the smartest person in the world, because heaven knows thats not true, but i am saying that i actually can't hold conversations with certain people sometimes. And its not even that people aren't smart. Its that some people harbor not even the slightest desire to be. I don't understand how some people just have no interest in learning about their immediate surroundings, not to mention beyond. Personally, I hate feeling incapable of having a conversation about a certain subject because I don't know anything about it. But i love learning. The more I think about it though, I guess in a way , its beneficial. I think lots of people are scared to learn. The saying ignorance is bliss applies exactly, to say that the less people know about anything, the less likely their life ,as they know it, can or will be challenged. Ignorance can be a bubble, sectioning uninformed, ignorant, intolerant people off from the rest of us. This theory doesn't apply to just one subject or group of people either. It applies to anything and everything. SO, get out there and learn.

1 comment:

Ryan G said...

i'm with you on this one. so many people never look around and notice their world, truly learn and chew that knowledge around and consider its effect on them.