You know those nights when your friends are going out but you just wan to stay in and do nothing. Its the best when you have someone to stay in and do nothing with you. To get a movie and just veg. Well this weekend my roomate and I had the ultimate girls night in. Only we didn't do nothing, we did a lot.
Girl's night it:
(with Casey my roomy/wife(but not really))

Step 1. Drive to Kroger to pick up ingredients for dinner. (chicken, breading, flour, eggs, rhubarb, sugar, crust, milk, etc..)
Step 2: Drive to Blockbuster to pick up movie. (Didn't have Definitely Maybe, looked for other girly movies but ended up with Double Jeopardy)
Step 3: Drive to CVS to get face masking/sauna stuff

Step 4: Go Home! Put groceries up and put them away. Start cooking!
Step 5: Face cleanser? minty fresh....
Step 6: Finish making Rhubarb Raspberry Pie (mmmmmmm) and fried chicken (mmmmmmm).

Step 7: Put pie in oven for 1 hour and eat chicken
Step 8: Apply more face cleansing stuff...coconut, gritty
Step 9: Watch movie and eat all Valentine's Day/Birthday candy
Step 10: Stop Movie half way through and eat pie!!!!! YUMMMYYY (way better than i thought it was going to be) ..Finish Movie

Step 11: Crack 3 eggs and put the in bowl and beat
Step 12: Start first season disc 2 of the OC
Step 13: I sit in front of Casey while she puts egg in my hair (yeah gross, she said is supposed to make you hair really soft) and not just a little egg either, 3 eggs goes a long way.
Step 14: Shes sits in front of me and I put it in her hair. (her hair is a lot longer than mine so it was sick) (we had towels on our backs too)
Step 15: Let sit, but while its in our hair, apply actual face mask to face

Step 17: Watch another episode of OC.
Step 18: wash face, and put rest of egg yolk on (do not ask me why, Casey said it was a good idea)
Step 19: Let sit till dry. (watch OC)

Step 20: Showerrrr.. take offfff
Step 21: BEDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD (it was 4am)