I love stalking other people's blogs. Its better than Facebook too (sometimes) cause you get to read what people are thinking....oooooooo, ahhhhhh. No but really, you get good ideas from looking at other peoples blogs. For the longest time I have wanted to scan things and put them on my page, but i didn't have a scanner. Scanned things always look cool on a page. SO i thought i was hopeless. UNTIL a few minutes ago when I realized..TAH DAH!!! Ill take a picture of everything i wanted to scan. When the worlds at your fingertips however, you realize what you thought was awesome at one point, isn't that amazing.
So I draw occasionally. I guess you could say its a way out. It m

ay sound a little lame, b

ut its true. When I draw, hours can go by without me even lifting my pencil. Its sort of trance. What I only just realized though is its not the act of drawing that gets me per se, but its making the drawing come to life. The photos I have included are drawings I made before my first art class last year. Ill eventually include my more recent drawings to show at least some improvement, or variety. DONT LAUGH.

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