Girl's night it:
(with Casey my roomy/wife(but not really))

Step 1. Drive to Kroger to pick up ingredients for dinner. (chicken, breading, flour, eggs, rhubarb, sugar, crust, milk, etc..)
Step 2: Drive to Blockbuster to pick up movie. (Didn't have Definitely Maybe, looked for other girly movies but ended up with Double Jeopardy)
Step 3: Drive to CVS to get face masking/sauna stuff

Step 4: Go Home! Put groceries up and put them away. Start cooking!
Step 5: Face cleanser? minty fresh....
Step 6: Finish making Rhubarb Raspberry Pie (mmmmmmm) and fried chicken (mmmmmmm).

Step 7: Put pie in oven for 1 hour and eat chicken
Step 8: Apply more face cleansing stuff...coconut, gritty
Step 9: Watch movie and eat all Valentine's Day/Birthday candy
Step 10: Stop Movie half way through and eat pie!!!!! YUMMMYYY (way better than i thought it was going to be) ..Finish Movie

Step 11: Crack 3 eggs and put the in bowl and beat
Step 12: Start first season disc 2 of the OC
Step 13: I sit in front of Casey while she puts egg in my hair (yeah gross, she said is supposed to make you hair really soft) and not just a little egg either, 3 eggs goes a long way.
Step 14: Shes sits in front of me and I put it in her hair. (her hair is a lot longer than mine so it was sick) (we had towels on our backs too)
Step 15: Let sit, but while its in our hair, apply actual face mask to face

Step 17: Watch another episode of OC.
Step 18: wash face, and put rest of egg yolk on (do not ask me why, Casey said it was a good idea)
Step 19: Let sit till dry. (watch OC)

Step 20: Showerrrr.. take offfff
Step 21: BEDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD (it was 4am)
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