How can someone dislike cookies? I don't understand it! I was walking with my friend the other day I dont even really remember what we were talking about, except that during our conversation she told me that she didn't like cookies. WHAT. Cookies. Of all things. Its one thing to not like chocolate (even though I don't understand that at all either) or nuts, or..well pretty much anything. but COOKIES? I feel like when someone says that they're automatically missing out...or sad. Cookies are so happy! Off the top of my head I can't even remember being unhappy eating a cookie, and even if I was unhappy, I was eating the cookie to get happy again (if that not unhealthy I don't know what is). And plus cookies come in any and every flavor with almost any and evey topping. You can eat them with ice cream or cake of put them in shakes or dip them in milk...they can taste like anything you want them too. How can you dislike them in general. It confuses me. But hey whatever floats your boat.
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