Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Mardi Gras. Craziest time of my life! I went this past weekend and let me just say, if you've never been, you really have no idea. So yeah, I had heard that people threw beads and that it got a little crazy sometimes, but no. Honestly, I had no clue.

I got there on Friday night, just in time to catch the last couple of parades. Float after float passed, each with different themes, intricate designs and amusing costumes. Masked men atop these moving masterpeices were the instigators { of the insanity on the sidewalks. As beads, flowers, stuffed animals, balls and hats were being launched off the floats, people screamed, tackled, fell, grabbed, ran, flashed, shanked and drank all to pretty much catch the attention of each float's attendants'. Clueless at the time, i was grabbing as many beads as I could. Broken beads, beads on the ground, extra beads no one wanted etc. But it wasn't until I got to Bourbon Street, that i truly experienced the infamous legends of Mardi Gras. Men and women alike stood side by side on balconies lining the street, dangling anything from huge beaded necklaces to feathered boas over the thousands of partiers crowding the street below. Beads, at Mardi Gras are gold; in exchange for beads -anythings goes. An unwritten law of the Bourbon St. bead danglers, 'the best beads go to the crazies!' Yeah people throw the regular beads to anyone, but the best beads, the ones with huge multi-colored balls, the ones that light up, only go to flashers, maker-outers, and shankers. However, aside from the beads, Mardi Gras continues to captivate me. Between the hundreds of police present but uncaring of the thousands of underage drunk kids and the flashing of boobs, butts, and any other body part, the event is unlike any other i have ever experienced. Its a lawless freedom taking place 24/7 for almost the entire month before Lent, right here in the United States of America. Go....!!!
p.s. i don't even really know what Mardi Gras means. If anyone knows feel free to comment. If not, ill look it up one of these days.