Monday, February 18, 2008

"what's your type?"

"Whats your type?" Have you ever been asked that question?- because I feel like I have had hundreds of conversations sparked by this question alone. Its pretty complicated if you think about it..what your type is and all. And of course I'm talking about your type of guy/girl (I hope everyone knew that) and what characteristics you would most favor. Anyways if I'm really disinterested in a conversation and the person I am having a conversation with I'll probably just answer this more than complicated question with, "I don't really have a type," but I definetley do, just like everyone else.
My type of guy, if I could just dream one up from scratch and mail order him off ebay would be HOT. Well actually I don't know about hot, I mean maybe good looking and handsome...very rugged thats for sure. Someone who doesn't really care he looks, or maybe he does but he hides it really well. He would be hilarious. Not slap stick hilarious, because most of the time I have to fake laugh at slap stick humor, and I hate fake laughing because I don't think mine is very believable. Anyways, not slap stick hilarious but sarcastic, intelligent hilarious. He would be just a little goofy and nerdy (smart), (I don't know why..but I like 'em like that) but still VERY attractive. (p.s. I'm throwing characteristics in a pot right going to put them in a body here in a sec) He would be spontaneous. Someone who could just leave with me and go anywhere on a whim and have an awesome time no matter what we were to do or where we were to go. He would love to travel. He would be honest with me 24/7 and kind as well. Everyone would love to be around him for his personality. We would be able to talk about anything and everything. Not just the funny stuff. We could talk about news and joke around just the same. He would get along with my family... especially my brothers. He would be super athletic and play every sport. He would beat everyone all the time, but be fun to play with at the same time. He would be a Christian, and we would be able to talk about God comfortably. Most importantly is he would make me laugh though.
As far as bodies go, athletic is always nice. Hair wise, it wouldn't really matter. Probably not blonde (ive never been a fan). Really good legs, and back, and stomach, and arms, and face, and...
OKAY! but most of all he would make me laugh really hard.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Woah, those are some pretty tough requirements. Hot AND smart AND funny AND incredibly athletic AND a good christian? You might have a hard time finding a guy that fits every one. But the ones you have are very important (particularly in terms of hotness, gotta be with a hot guy no matter what). I think on top of that though you should put "amazing at halo" and "cooks good eggs." Hope you find that guy one day, cause Ill bet anything he'll be even happier to have found you.